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Meaning Passive Income: Exactly What Passive Income Is and How to Get It

You’re curious about “meaning passive income.” This post will break it down for you and show you how to make it. Passive income is a concept that has gained increasing popularity in recent years and for good reason.  Unlike active income, which is earned through labor and effort (generally a full-time job), passive income is generated with little or no ongoing effort on the part of the earner. This means that once established, passive income streams can provide a steady and reliable source of income that can be used to supplement or even replace active income. What Does Passive Income […]

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How Much Does a Person Need to Retire: The 4% Rule Gives an Easy Answer

When you have a bad day at work, it’s common to ask yourself, “How much does a person need to retire?” I’ve been there, grinding it out and dreaming of the days I can ignore my emails and enjoy a good book with a margarita on the beach. Planning for retirement can be complex, but when I came across the 4% rule, it just made sense as an easy tool to quickly establish how much income we’ll each need to retire.  What is the 4% Rule? The 4% Rule is a guideline used in retirement planning to help determine the […]

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Best Way to Make Passive Income Now: 5 Step-by-Step Guides to the Best Passive Ideas

If you’re wondering about the best way to make passive income, you’ll get a different answer from just about everyone. If the person you ask is honest, the best answer is “It depends.” What does it depend on? Many factors, but here are some of the most important: Having studied and tested the best way to make passive income thoroughly over the years, with some successes and many failures, here are my thoughts on the best way to make passive income, depending on your unique situation. 1. The best way to make passive income if you’re patient If you have […]

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How to Make Money Online From Home Fast

“Yeah, so we’re going to need you to come back into the office 5 days a week.” With those dreaded words being said by bosses around the globe, it’s no wonder people are searching for “how to make money online from home fast.” Luckily for you, as technology advances, so do the opportunities for online work. In this post, I’ll share practical, actionable, and legit ways of generating income online and playbooks to help take the first step in generating money online from home as fast as possible.  This post may contain affiliate links that allow this blog to earn […]

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Discover Your Top Values: Core List of 75 Common Values to Start Using Now for a More Aligned Life

You probably just searched values core list. Here’s exactly what you’re looking for, plus an example of a definition for each value. Remember, you can define your core values however you want; the below definitions will just get you started.    What are core values? Core values shape our beliefs, guide our decisions, and ultimately define us as individuals. Identifying and embracing our core values empowers us to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life aligned with our authentic selves. 75 Values: Core List of Common Values Below is a comprehensive (not exhaustive) core values list to help you explore and […]

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Oprah Winfrey Quotes & 5 Important Lessons on Becoming a Billionaire

Looking for Oprah Winfrey Quotes to inspire your life? You won’t want to miss these quotes and the life lessons she inspired. From a challenging upbringing in rural Mississippi to becoming a media mogul with a net worth of billions, Oprah Winfrey’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of determination and self-belief. Oprah’s remarkable rise to prominence and wealth offers invaluable lessons for those aspiring to achieve their own version of success. In this article, we delve into Oprah Winfrey’s lessons on becoming a self-made billionaire, exploring the key principles and strategies that have propelled her to the […]

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Top 35 Money Quotes of All Time: The Ultimate Collection

Money quotes have the ability to encapsulate powerful meanings in a few simple words. They can inspire, motivate, and transform our mindset toward money and success. Here, I have curated a collection of the top 35 quotes about money. These quotes, gathered from renowned individuals throughout history, provide invaluable insights that can help shape your financial journey. Top 10 Money Quotes to Live By Here are some of the best money quotes related to money and happiness. 1. “Too many people spend money they earned…to buy things they don’t want…to impress people that they don’t like.” – Will Rogers Will […]

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How a Tired New Mom Built $2,500 WEEKLY Streams of Income and Quit Her Full Time Job

And she didn’t stop there on her journey to passive streams of income. Read to the end to see what her best month looked like and how she continues to create more streams of income to this day. “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” “Easier said than done,” she always thought to herself. In 2020, she was on maternity leave and dreading going back to work. She was burnt out of the same 9-5 schedule, the bureaucracy, the politics, and meetings that could’ve been an email. “Could there be a less productive way […]

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How to Get Rich From Nothing: The Incredible True Story of a 40-Year-Old Server-Turned Business Owner (It’s Never Too Late)

This is a guest post from Della Kirkman, CPA. If you want to know how to get rich from nothing, she can help. She’s on a mission to help create 10K female acquisition entrepreneurs! In less than 10 years, she went from being a single mom serving tables at Cracker Barrel to buying her first business, growing it, and selling it to achieve the wealth and independence she had only dreamed about. It was so simple I could kick myself for not doing it sooner.  Just before my 40th birthday, I finally got my act together; I was finally going […]

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How to be Happier: New Research Reveals 5 Rituals That Will Make You Happy

Wondering how to be happier? In this post, we’ll share 5 easy rituals that will make you happier, and they don’t cost a thing. I had just returned from a beautiful tropical vacation. When my co-workers asked how it went, I couldn’t help but highlight what went wrong. At that moment, I couldn’t help but notice what I was doing. Despite having a great time, I highlighted what went wrong instead of what went right. It’s counterintuitive, isn’t it?  We’d expect the brain to leap towards happy feelings, much like a dog with a tennis ball.  But oddly enough, negative […]

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How to Be the First Millionaire in Your Family

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info. Have you ever daydreamed about making money while sipping your morning coffee in your PJs?  Do you ever question how people seem to live the dream, travel the world, and work very little? If you’ve ever wondered, “How the heck do those kids on TikTok and YouTube make a living!?” this simple idea is one of the ways… I know it sounds too good to be true, […]

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How to Save Money: 10 Shocking Secrets Big Companies Don’t Want You to Know

Looking to save money? Here are 10 shocking secrets big companies don’t want you to know. In today’s age of instant gratification and many choices, it’s easy to be pulled into the vortex of mounting bills.  Big companies capitalize on our need for convenience, and often, we end up paying a premium for it.  However, what if there were ways to cut these costs without compromising quality of life?  Here are 10 secrets that big corporations would rather you remain oblivious to. 1. Bundling Isn’t Always the Best Way to Save Money Big telecom companies have mastered the art of […]

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Ready to Earn $10,000 Passively? Follow My 5 Easy Steps You Need to Know

Picture this: You wake up to 23 new notifications, each reading, “Congratulations, you’ve just earned a $78 commission.”  That’s a cool $1,784 earned overnight! Now, do that for a week straight, and you’ve just earned $10,000 passively. Sounds like a fairy tale, right? But guess what? It’s not. Individuals like you are tapping into this passive income stream every day.  Some people with large followings even make millions! So, how do they do it?  Let’s break it down. What’s Affiliate Marketing, Anyway? Think of affiliate marketing as earning a finder’s fee. You share a product or service, and when someone […]

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How to Make $10,000 per Month with Canva

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info. When I was on maternity leave in 2020, I grappled with postpartum depression. I felt lost and yearned for something more—something that would allow me to stay close to my baby yet engage my mind and spirit. One day, while listening to a podcast while feeding my baby, I realized that there was a growing market for digital products.  An idea that would let me channel my […]

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Life Hack for Happiness: Try This 5-Second Easy and Free Hack That Can Change Your Life

As a society, we’re in love with hacks. In fact, thousands of people search for “life hack for…” every month. From searching “life hack for productivity” to “life hack for home”, we’re constantly searching for the little tips and tricks that will make our lives better, easier, and more fulfilling.  But what if I told you that one of the most profound hacks takes just 5 seconds, doesn’t cost a penny, and can dramatically change the trajectory of your life?  It’s all about the questions we ask ourselves. Our brains are wired to ask and answer questions continuously. It happens so […]

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How to Increase Productivity: The Counterintuitive Advice to Stop Being Lazy and Get More Done

Recently, I found myself in a productivity slump, desperate to learn how to increase productivity. My to-do list seemed endless, and the hours in the day were woefully insufficient. I was drowning in emails, and it was stressing me out.  I was caught in a neverending cycle of doing more yet achieving less.  Then, I heard this story: A Tale of Two Lumberjacks Once, there were two lumberjacks, equally strong and skilled.  The first lumberjack worked tirelessly from dawn till dusk, chopping trees.  He believed the key to success was hard work and long hours.  The second lumberjack, however, spent […]

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7-Day Digital Detox Challenge: The Surprising Health Benefits You Need To Know

Ready to uncover the transformative power of unplugging and reclaiming your time, focus, and well-being in just one week? Dive into the 7-Day Digital Detox Challenge. The other day, I was sitting at the dinner table with my family, and I realized I wasn’t really there.  You see, I was physically present, but my mind was somewhere else—trapped within the glowing screen of my smartphone, scrolling through an endless feed of emails, social media updates, and news alerts. I felt like I was caught in an ironic web— constantly connected, yet more disconnected from my life’s real, tangible moments. I […]

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Unlock Passion: 50 Intimate Questions for Couples to Ignite the Spark

Looking for intimate questions for couples? This post is sure to unlock passion and ignite the spark in your relationship. What is the most common question I get from my husband?  “What do you want for dinner?”  Ah, the eternal question that has perplexed couples since the dawn of time.  I usually respond with the classic, “I don’t know, what do you want?”  And thus, the loop, the monotony begins.  This ongoing “dinner dilemma” got me thinking about the importance of communication and decision-making in relationships, especially when it comes to the seemingly small stuff. It’s often these little, everyday […]

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