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3 Simple Steps to Make $100 in Passive Income at Lunch: It’s Easier Than You Think, Here’s the Playbook

Here’s a story of how I made $100 in passive income at lunch and how you can too. Rachel: Did you hear about Grace? Michelle: No, what happened!? Tell me everything! Rachel: So, she broke up with her husband because she met a younger guy at work. “Cha-Ching” Michelle: No! Rachel: Yeah, and get this, the younger guy was engaged! Here, I have a picture of him! Rachel hands Michelle her phone “Cha-Ching” “Cha-Ching” Michelle: It says whiskeywiz just purchased your item. What is that? Rachel: Oh, sorry, let me turn my notifications off. Those are people buying stuff from […]

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The Surprisingly Easy Way to Make $1,562 of Passive Income in a Week While You Vacation

These are strategies I use to make $1,562 or more in passive income in a week. Earlier this month, I went on a cruise to the Mexican Rivera. My husband and two kiddos joined me. We experienced beautiful sunsets from our balcony. We ate 5-course meals. We even saw a pod of 50 dolphins swimming by after we played pickleball on the top deck for an hour. It was a magical vacation, and we were able to unplug and unwind. Sounds amazing, right? It really was. We all experienced so much joy and felt fully alive in the present moment […]

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Millionaire Secrets: 5 Simple Money Hacks That Will Make You Wealthy (Over 25% of People Don’t Do #1)

I’ve studied wealthy people for over 15 years. Steal the top 5 simple money hacks they use to become wealthy. “We’re going to have to let you go.” She never expected to hear those words. She had to hold it together while she did the walk of shame to her car.  Her shift was supposed to be starting, so her coworker, Maria, was confused. “Where are you going?” Maria asked. “I’ve just got fired,” she replied.  Chin quivering, welled-up eyes, she finally got in her car and imploded.  She had scrubbed the toilet in their public restroom for minimum wage, […]

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The Stupid Simple 4-Step Formula You Can Use to Make $3,172.72 of Passive Income in a Day: Yes, It’s Possible

I made over $3,000 of passive income in a day while I was at an amusement park; here’s how I did it and how you can too. In 2020, I was struggling with postpartum depression and feeling lost. I had always dreamed of making passive income, but it hadn’t happened for me yet. via GIPHY If I’m being honest, I hadn’t invested that much time or energy into learning more about it and taking aggressive action. Deep down, there was a part of me that didn’t think it was possible.  I was skeptical. “Making thousands of passive income in a […]

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3 Really Specific Passive Income Ideas You Can Start Now: Idea #3 Will Surprise You

I’ll share 3 specific passive income ideas and the behind-the-curtain tips people use to start them. It’s trendy to talk about why passive income isn’t possible.   I’m here to show you that passive income is possible Plus, I’ll give specific playbooks and examples so you can start today. Remember… Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right Henry Ford 3 Really Specific Passive Income Ideas You Can Start Now Here are my favorite passive income ideas you can start right now. 1. Create a Digital Product like a Resume Template I make 6-figures a […]

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How to Make Money Online: Steal This Simple & Legit Formula to Make $10,000+ a Month

Want to know how to make money online? Check out this inspiring true story of how a former bartender started making over $1,000,000 a year online. Read ’til the end to learn exactly how he did it. Twenty-five years ago, my friend Gareth almost died.  On the way to the beach one morning, he was in a head-on collision going over 100 miles per hour. His memory of that day is fuzzy, but he remembers being pulled out of the car. He remembers the fear in his friends’ eyes when they saw him. And he remembers counting backward on an […]

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A remarkable story of how one woman paid off $45,000 in debt in 3 years

In 2012, Kimberly Hamilton, now 35, graduated from grad school with $45,000 in student loan debt. She didn’t understand how interest worked but soon learned that if she paid off her debt in 10 years as prescribed, she would pay nearly 50% extra due to interest. “At first, I was super angry,” she says.  She had goals for her money, including buying a home and starting a family.  To add insult to injury, she was living in Washington, D.C., one of the most expensive cities in the country, she didn’t understand how to pay down debt, and her starting salary […]

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Save Thousands of Dollars a Year, Easily: Mint Mobile Reviews You Need to See

Want an easy way to save over $1,000 a year? I’ll explain exactly how to do just that and share some unbiased Mint Mobile reviews. Here’s the easy trick: change your cell phone provider. Here’s the story: The other day my mom texted me with the idea. She wanted to combine our phone bills so we could get a multi-line discount with Verizon.  We looked into it, but you had to get their internet to take advantage of the deal. Unfortunately, Verizon internet isn’t available in our neighborhood. #fail Knowing that my mom was looking to reduce her cell phone […]

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7 Simple Ways I Made $4,500 in Passive Income in Only 2 Months and How You Can Too

And I didn’t stop there on my journey to passive income. Read to the end to see what my best month looked like. In 2020, I was on maternity leave and feeling lost. I had always had big goals, and I dreamed of making passive income, but it hadn’t happened for me yet. As the days passed, I dreaded returning to work. I just wanted to spend more time with my sweet baby. The Turning Point I had always been a dabbler. (Are you like that too?) I would start a business, create a website, or launch a new Instagram […]

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Passive Income Easy: The Simple Guide to Making $100+ Every Day While You Sleep

In this post, I’ll share actionable advice and insights on how to make building passive income easy from someone who’s successfully done it. Are you tired of the 9-to-5 grind? Are you looking for ways to earn money without being tied to a desk?  Maybe you just need some extra cash to pay down debt or pay for a wedding. Many people are searching for ways to generate passive income (aka income earned with little to no effort), but few actually talk about how to make it happen. I’m here to change that. What is Passive Income? Passive income is […]

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Make Money Online Easily: The Surprising Way this Former Bartender Earned $10k While On Vacation

Making money online easily has been a hot topic for some time now. Everyone is looking for ways to make money without: Luckily, with the internet, it’s easier than ever before.  Contrary to what you see on TikTok, you don’t have to be a real estate mogul or a famous influencer to make income online. Instead, there are many ways for ordinary people to make a good living online. One such way is through online consulting.  My friend Gareth Pronovost, an expert in this field, recently shared his formula for making $10k or more a month online. Gareth made his […]

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How to Get a House for Free: 6 Shocking Strategies that Actually Work

Want to know how to get a house for free? Check out this post to see how it’s actually possible.  Are you dreaming of owning a house but don’t have the money to buy one?  Believe it or not, there are ways to get a house for free or almost free. In this post, I’ll share some of the most effective ways to acquire a house legally without paying for it. How to Get a House For Free: 6 Strategies It may seem impossible, but here are some real ways to get a house for free. 1. Look for abandoned […]

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Meaning Passive Income: Exactly What Passive Income Is and How to Get It

You’re curious about “meaning passive income.” This post will break it down for you and show you how to make it. Passive income is a concept that has gained increasing popularity in recent years and for good reason.  Unlike active income, which is earned through labor and effort (generally a full-time job), passive income is generated with little or no ongoing effort on the part of the earner. This means that once established, passive income streams can provide a steady and reliable source of income that can be used to supplement or even replace active income. What Does Passive Income […]

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How Much Does a Person Need to Retire: The 4% Rule Gives an Easy Answer

When you have a bad day at work, it’s common to ask yourself, “How much does a person need to retire?” I’ve been there, grinding it out and dreaming of the days I can ignore my emails and enjoy a good book with a margarita on the beach. Planning for retirement can be complex, but when I came across the 4% rule, it just made sense as an easy tool to quickly establish how much income we’ll each need to retire.  What is the 4% Rule? The 4% Rule is a guideline used in retirement planning to help determine the […]

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Best Way to Make Passive Income Now: 5 Step-by-Step Guides to the Best Passive Ideas

If you’re wondering about the best way to make passive income, you’ll get a different answer from just about everyone. If the person you ask is honest, the best answer is “It depends.” What does it depend on? Many factors, but here are some of the most important: Having studied and tested the best way to make passive income thoroughly over the years, with some successes and many failures, here are my thoughts on the best way to make passive income, depending on your unique situation. 1. The best way to make passive income if you’re patient If you have […]

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How to Make Money Online From Home Fast

“Yeah, so we’re going to need you to come back into the office 5 days a week.” With those dreaded words being said by bosses around the globe, it’s no wonder people are searching for “how to make money online from home fast.” Luckily for you, as technology advances, so do the opportunities for online work. In this post, I’ll share practical, actionable, and legit ways of generating income online and playbooks to help take the first step in generating money online from home as fast as possible.  This post may contain affiliate links that allow this blog to earn […]

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Oprah Winfrey Quotes & 5 Important Lessons on Becoming a Billionaire

Looking for Oprah Winfrey Quotes to inspire your life? You won’t want to miss these quotes and the life lessons she inspired. From a challenging upbringing in rural Mississippi to becoming a media mogul with a net worth of billions, Oprah Winfrey’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of determination and self-belief. Oprah’s remarkable rise to prominence and wealth offers invaluable lessons for those aspiring to achieve their own version of success. In this article, we delve into Oprah Winfrey’s lessons on becoming a self-made billionaire, exploring the key principles and strategies that have propelled her to the […]

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Top 35 Money Quotes of All Time: The Ultimate Collection

Money quotes have the ability to encapsulate powerful meanings in a few simple words. They can inspire, motivate, and transform our mindset toward money and success. Here, I have curated a collection of the top 35 quotes about money. These quotes, gathered from renowned individuals throughout history, provide invaluable insights that can help shape your financial journey. Top 10 Money Quotes to Live By Here are some of the best money quotes related to money and happiness. 1. “Too many people spend money they earned…to buy things they don’t want…to impress people that they don’t like.” – Will Rogers Will […]

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How to Get Rich From Nothing: The Incredible True Story of a 40-Year-Old Server-Turned Business Owner (It’s Never Too Late)

This is a guest post from Della Kirkman, CPA. If you want to know how to get rich from nothing, she can help. She’s on a mission to help create 10K female acquisition entrepreneurs! In less than 10 years, she went from being a single mom serving tables at Cracker Barrel to buying her first business, growing it, and selling it to achieve the wealth and independence she had only dreamed about. It was so simple I could kick myself for not doing it sooner.  Just before my 40th birthday, I finally got my act together; I was finally going […]

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How a Tired New Mom Built $2,500 WEEKLY Streams of Income and Quit Her Full Time Job

And she didn’t stop there on her journey to passive streams of income. Read to the end to see what her best month looked like and how she continues to create more streams of income to this day. “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” “Easier said than done,” she always thought to herself. In 2020, she was on maternity leave and dreading going back to work. She was burnt out of the same 9-5 schedule, the bureaucracy, the politics, and meetings that could’ve been an email. “Could there be a less productive way […]

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How to Save Money: 10 Shocking Secrets Big Companies Don’t Want You to Know

Looking to save money? Here are 10 shocking secrets big companies don’t want you to know. In today’s age of instant gratification and many choices, it’s easy to be pulled into the vortex of mounting bills.  Big companies capitalize on our need for convenience, and often, we end up paying a premium for it.  However, what if there were ways to cut these costs without compromising quality of life?  Here are 10 secrets that big corporations would rather you remain oblivious to. 1. Bundling Isn’t Always the Best Way to Save Money Big telecom companies have mastered the art of […]

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How to Be the First Millionaire in Your Family

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info. Have you ever daydreamed about making money while sipping your morning coffee in your PJs?  Do you ever question how people seem to live the dream, travel the world, and work very little? If you’ve ever wondered, “How the heck do those kids on TikTok and YouTube make a living!?” this simple idea is one of the ways… I know it sounds too good to be true, […]

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Ready to Earn $10,000 Passively? Follow My 5 Easy Steps You Need to Know

Picture this: You wake up to 23 new notifications, each reading, “Congratulations, you’ve just earned a $78 commission.”  That’s a cool $1,784 earned overnight! Now, do that for a week straight, and you’ve just earned $10,000 passively. Sounds like a fairy tale, right? But guess what? It’s not. Individuals like you are tapping into this passive income stream every day.  Some people with large followings even make millions! So, how do they do it?  Let’s break it down. What’s Affiliate Marketing, Anyway? Think of affiliate marketing as earning a finder’s fee. You share a product or service, and when someone […]

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How to Make $10,000 per Month with Canva

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info. When I was on maternity leave in 2020, I grappled with postpartum depression. I felt lost and yearned for something more—something that would allow me to stay close to my baby yet engage my mind and spirit. One day, while listening to a podcast while feeding my baby, I realized that there was a growing market for digital products.  An idea that would let me channel my […]

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These 3 Easy Side Hustle Ideas to Make Money Fast

Tired of dabbling with side hustles and none of them working? Try these 3 easy side hustle ideas to make money fast. For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by money and finding ways to earn more of it. As part of this fascination, I’ve tried tons of various side hustles in an effort to make money fast. In my experience, here are some fast and easy side hustle ideas to start that can help you make money! 1. Dog Sitting with Rover Dog sitting was the first time I realized that money actually can be […]

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How to Get Rich in 2 Simple Steps

Want to learn how to get rich in 2 simple steps? You’re in luck! I have always been fascinated by rich people and wealth development strategies. There are some that are mind-blowing. For example, things like selling a business for millions of dollars, becoming Insta-famous, or getting lucky with Bitcoin. While those are fascinating and inspiring, they’re not easily replicable. So, this post isn’t going to cover any of those things. In fact, in my opinion, my wealth-building strategy is quite boring. The great news is that because it’s boring, it’s fairly simple and thus replicable.  Not all of us […]

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21 Amazing lululemon Hacks That Will Actually Save You Money

We’ve all heard of this popular brand, but one of the things is best known for is being expensive. Luckily, at MoneyHackingMama, we scour the web to find the best money hacks to save you money. Here are 21 lululemon hacks you need to know so you can save money when you shop at lululemon.  Note: This post may contain affiliate links that allow this blog to earn money without a cost to you. Many thanks if you use them. Please read my disclosure for more info. Embrace your wild side If you love wild leggings, you’ll be able to save the most […]

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I Tried a Side Hustle Course to Make More Money, and Here’s What Happened

Read about my experience, including how much I made and my takeaways from taking a popular side hustle course. As a proudly frugal person, I shy away from buying online side hustle courses. “With YouTube, TikTok, Podcasts, and Instagram, there is so much free content out there;  “Why would anyone ever pay for an online course?” I always thought to myself.  However, when a blogger I trusted came out with a side hustle course, I couldn’t resist giving in.  In truth, I always wanted a side hustle, and all the free content I was consuming wasn’t getting me anywhere but […]

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9 Simple Rich People Habits That Will Change Your Life

Ready to learn the top rich people habits that will change your life? This post will go in-depth and give you a detailed action plan to get you started. What’s going to make you rich? While winning the lottery is a fast and easy solution, the odds, my friends, are not in your favor. But you know what is in your control? Your habits. For the past 20 years, I’ve studied finance and observed successful people. I’ve even interviewed the accountants and financial planners of high-net-worth individuals. I’ve found the same themes have come up time and time again. So […]

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7 of the Best Easy Side Hustles to Make Extra Cash

Looking for easy side hustles to make extra cash? Whether you’re looking to pay off debt, save for a large purchase, or just have a little extra spending money, side hustles are a fantastic way to boost your income without quitting your day job.  Here are seven of the best and easiest side hustles to make extra cash that you can start today! 1. Selling Digital Products Online: One of the Easiest Side Hustles to Make Extra Cash Selling digital products online has become one of the best and most profitable side hustles to make extra cash. Whether you have […]

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13 Powerful Money Habits of Women Who Are Never Broke

If you want to learn about the most powerful money habits, a great place to start is with history. I particularly love this quote from Aristotle: ”We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” Financial stability is about habits.  Women who are never broke have mastered these 13 specific money habits that ensure they always have money.  Here are the 13 powerful money habits that can help you, too, achieve financial peace and freedom: 1: Cultivate a Growth Mindset Women who are never broke understand the importance of having a growth mindset regarding their […]

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How To Save Money: 75+ Legit Ways to Save That Will Save You a Fortune

Here are over 75 legit ways to save money so you can stop living paycheck to paycheck. Note: This post may contain affiliate links that allow this blog to earn money without a cost to you. Many thanks if you use them. Please read my disclosure for more info. How to Save Money: Earn More Income I am a firm believer in saving money, but my biggest financial moves have been when I’ve focused on making money. Here are some of my favorite money-making hacks. Ask for a Raise Feeling undervalued at work? It might be time to advocate for yourself and ask […]

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The Shockingly Simple Way to Become a Millionaire

Most people dream of becoming a millionaire “one day,” but few actually make it happen. So a few years ago, I decided to figure out exactly what it would take to become a millionaire. Here’s the shockingly simple way to become a millionaire that everyone should know.  What is a millionaire? To be clear, being a millionaire doesn’t mean you drive a fancy car or have a $7-million home. As much as the media portrays millionaires and rich people with the finer things in life, technically, you need to have $1 million in net worth to be considered a millionaire. […]

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99+ Ways To Make Extra Money In 2024 (The Ultimate Money-Making Guide)

Ready to make extra money in 2024 and beyond? A few years ago, I sat at the kitchen table late into the night, thinking about bills and budgets, a sinking feeling of dread gnawing at my stomach. Where had all my money gone!? I didn’t feel like I was spending lavishly, but every month things felt tight. Plus, something would always come up that would divert my best-laid plans to save that month. Soon, I discovered my traditional 9-to-5 job alone was not cutting it. I longed for financial freedom and decided to take control of my financial future. That’s […]

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Best 19 Income Producing Assets for Passive Income You Need to Know

Want to find the best income producing asset for you so you can earn while you sleep? This post is for you. There’s a ton of buzz online about making income with side hustles. While I love passive income business models, they only represent one asset class (business) for producing passive income. In this post, I’ll break down tons of different income-producing assets. They can help you generate various levels of passive income.   What is an Income Producing Asset? Simply put, an income-producing asset is an investment that generates a steady stream of income. It’s typically in the form of […]

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How to Make Money Online That Is Legit: 12 Easy Ways to Make Money Online

In today’s digital age, making money online that is legit has become easier than ever before. However, with so many different opportunities available, it can be difficult to know where to start. Whether you want to earn extra cash or start a full-time business, there are plenty of easy and accessible ways to make money online. Here are 12 of the best methods for beginners to get started. Freelancing Freelancing involves offering your skills and services to clients online. This can include writing, graphic design, social media management, web development, and more. There are a variety of platforms that connect […]

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7 Surprising Simple Steps to Achieve Financial Freedom Now

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you ever feel like you’re in an endless cycle of financial stress?  Or perhaps you’re doing okay but aspire to reach that next level of financial security and freedom?  I’ve seen countless strategies, tips, and tricks in the quest for financial freedom. But let’s be real – not all advice is practical or achievable for everyone.  So, I’ve distilled the best financial advice I know into 7 simple steps that are both actionable and effective.  Don’t worry. These steps aren’t about cutting out your morning coffee or scrimping on every penny […]

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How Can I Pay Less In Taxes? Shocking Tax Loopholes Exposed: How to Pay Less and Save More

Ever wonder to yourself, “How can I pay less in taxes?” Me too! Well, last year, my neighbor, Dave, a regular guy with a 9-5 job, slashed his tax bill by a whopping 30%.  “How can I pay less in taxes, too?” That’s exactly what I decided to find out.  As someone who’s always hunting for the next great money hack, I knew I needed the inside scoop.  So, I contacted a tax accountant and CPA known for turning tax jargon into savings gold. During our chat, this tax whiz laid out some of the most surprisingly simple yet effective […]

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A mom turned entrepreneur who’s made over $400,000 shares the secret to making money online, and most people don’t realize this information exists

Making money online from the comfort of your home may seem far-fetched, but once you learn the secret to making money online, your life can change forever. Many people talk about passive income or making money online, but few make it a reality. Although a skeptic, I always dreamed of transforming from a full-time working mom into a successful online entrepreneur earning a six-figure passive income from home. While I wasn’t sure if it was possible, I thought the only way to find out was to try it myself. Now, here I am, doing exactly that.  How?  I sell digital […]

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