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6-Figure Side Hustler Shares 3 Tips For Starting A Business With No Money

Rachel Jimenez shares 3 tips for starting a business with no money

Starting a business with no money might sound impossible, but it’s more achievable than you think. 

With creativity, resourcefulness, and determination, you can turn your entrepreneurial and money dreams into a reality without breaking the bank.

How do I know?

I’ve done it myself.

As an experienced 6-figure side hustler, I’ve learned firsthand that starting with little to no money is not only possible but can also set you up for success in the long run.

Why? Because it teaches you one of the most important traits of a successful entrepreneur: resourcefulness.

Here are my top three tips to get you started on your entrepreneurial journey without breaking the bank.

1. Leverage Free Resources

One of the biggest misconceptions about starting a business is that you need a lot of money to get going. In reality, there are countless free resources available that can help you build and grow your business.

Tools and Software 

There are many free tools and software that can help you with various aspects of your business. For example, Canva is a fantastic tool for creating eye-catching graphics, while Convertkit offers free email marketing services. Platforms like Medium, Instagram, and TikTok allow you to build an online presence at no cost. 

You could literally create a digital product on Canva, post it on Etsy (get your first listings free), and market it using Convertkit, Medium, Instagram, and TikTok, having never spent a single penny on your business. 

Online Networks 

There are tons of online forums that can help you connect with other entrepreneurs and share advice, resources, and support. Facebook groups, Reddit, and LinkedIn are excellent places to start. Podcasts, and comment sections on business creators Instagram pages are also unique places to make new connections. 

Networking doesn’t have to be expensive (or in person); it’s all about building relationships and exchanging knowledge and information.

Business Grants

One often overlooked resource when starting a business with no money is business grants. Unlike loans, grants don’t need to be repaid, making them a fantastic way to secure funding without taking on debt. One of the best ways to research available grants is to look at local government websites. For example, Riverside, a city near me, has business grants for up to $25,000.

To get grants, you should start by carefully reviewing the eligibility criteria and gathering necessary documents, such as your business permit and tax records (if required), for the application process. 

Other places to look for local (and less competitive) grants include your county, state, local chambers of commerce, and economic development offices. If they don’t have any, ask them if they are aware of any or if they have an email list you can join to stay in the loop when/if one comes up in the future.

2. Start with What You Have

You might be surprised at how much you can do with what you already have. Starting a business doesn’t always require fancy equipment or expensive tools. Here’s how you can utilize your existing resources:

Your Skills and Talents 

Think about the skills and talents you already possess. 

Whether you specialize in writing, graphic design, photography, or crafting, you can monetize your skills by offering services or creating digital products. 

One tip I love to share with people is to ask someone else what they think they’re good at. We’re often too close to our strengths, and we (wrongly) assume other people are just as good as us. Not only will this conversation make you feel great (who doesn’t love compliments?), but it will also give you a unique insight into your strengths from other people’s points of view.

Your Existing Equipment 

Use the equipment you already own. 

If you know how to use it and pay attention to your background, a smartphone with a decent camera can be just as effective as a professional camera for product photography or video content creation. 

Additionally, your home computer or laptop can be your business hub for managing your online presence and communications with low-cost and free tools and apps. If you think you need to spend thousands upgrading your tools and equipment, consider instead working with what you’ve got until your business makes enough money to pay for the upgrades.

Your Personal Network 

Don’t underestimate the power of your personal network. 

Friends, family, and acquaintances can be your first customers, promoters, or even collaborators. 


Because they already know, like, and trust you. 

Why wouldn’t they want to support your new business?

Reach out to your community for support, feedback, referrals, and your first sale. And don’t be afraid to post what you’re doing with your community on Facebook. You’ll never know who could be interested unless you try, and the great news is it’ll cost you nothing.

3. Focus on Digital Products and Services

One of the most cost-effective ways to start a business is by offering digital products or services. 


Digital Products 

Unlike physical products, digital goods don’t require inventory, shipping, or storage, significantly reducing upfront costs. I also love that you can make them once and sell them forever, meaning you don’t have to constantly trade time for money.

You can create and sell digital products such as planners, templates, and digital art. Platforms like Etsy or Amazon make setting up a shop and reaching a global audience easy. 


How to Sell Digital Products on Etsy

How to Sell Low-Content Books on Amazon

Selling Services 

Services are also great because they don’t require inventory, shipping, or storage, but they do require your time. My biggest suggestion with services is to ensure you’re charging enough to make it worth your time. 

The best services to offer are freelance services in your area of expertise. Whether it’s writing, bookkeeping, graphic design, social media management, or web development, there are plenty of opportunities to offer your skills on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. If you are in a specific niche, you can leverage online forums like Facebook groups to market your freelance services. This brings in income and helps you build a portfolio and gain valuable experience.


Free Webinar: How to Be Fully Booked VA

The Bottom Line for Starting a Business With No Money

Starting a business with no money is possible with the right idea, mindset, and approach. 

You can kickstart your entrepreneurial journey without breaking the bank by leveraging free resources, utilizing what you already have, and focusing on digital products and/or services (that don’t require costly inventory). 

Remember, your creativity, resourcefulness, and determination are the key to success. 

The most important thing to remember, as Henry Ford once said, is “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.

Still here? Check out this Blueprint for Starting A Digital Product Business

There are a ton of ways to start a business with no money, but if you’re interested in learning more about how to do it with Etsy, check out The Shockingly Simple Guide to Selling Passive Income Products on Etsy. This free, in-depth guide is a deeper blueprint for passive income that will help you learn exactly how to create digital products on Etsy!


How to Start Etsy Business: Insane Tips from a 6-Figure Etsy Seller

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Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.




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