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How to Quit Your 9-5 Job and Make Money From Home

How to Quit Your 9-5 Job

Wondering how to quit your 9-5 job and make more money from home? This post will break it down for you.

How It Started

I always wanted to have my own business.

I would drive to work, sit in awful southern California traffic, and dream of working from home and ditching my commute. 

However, I was growing in my career. 

Because of this, my income kept increasing. While I was grateful for this, it also meant my goal of replacing my full-time income kept getting farther and farther away. 

And with each raise, I also got more responsibility.

More meetings, more politics, more time away from my family, more stress… 

And less time with my husband, kids, friends, hobbies, and myself. 

After my daughter was born, I hit an all-time low. I just wasn’t happy.

From the outside, I had everything I wished for when I was younger, but I found “the American Dream” wasn’t all it was made out to be. 

I craved more freedom.

I also craved more variability and creativity. Being a little ADHD, I got bored easily at my desk job.

Luckily for my family and mental health, I stumbled into a business I didn’t even know existed that ended up changing my life.

Selling Digital Products On Etsy

Since I was always interested in starting a business “one day,” I always listened to business-related podcasts while commuting to work. One day, I heard someone talking about selling digital products on Etsy and a course they were launching that would teach people how to do it. 

Investing in Myself

Having always believed in the power of education, I decided to invest in myself and purchase the course. I was nervous. I wasn’t sure it would give me the ROI I wanted, but I didn’t let scarcity thinking win that day, and I just went for it.

A Slow Start

Once I bought the course, I devoured the content and got to work. I was excited about the possibility of finally creating the business I always dreamed about. I made my first sale within a few weeks of putting my first digital product (a tool to help people budget) on Etsy, and while I made some money, it wasn’t much.

After a while, life and work got busy, and I slowed down with learning and posting new products in my Etsy store.

An Interesting Observation

Months later, after my second child was born, I desperately needed a solution. I didn’t want my life to continue on the trajectory I was on. I didn’t want to work full-time and miss my children’s childhood. 

But I also didn’t want to be a stay-at-home mom. I wanted to contribute to my family’s finances, I wanted to do work I enjoyed, and I wanted flexibility. 

In a moment of clarity, I assessed all the projects and side hustles I had, and surprisingly, my Etsy store was consistently bringing in around $50 every month, even though I had neglected it for months and spent no time on it.

The Turning Point

“I wonder what would happen if I doubled down on this and took it seriously!?” I thought. Within a few months of consistent action and focus, I saw a drastic increase in my Etsy success. In June of my first year, I made $41; in July, I made $691; in August, I made $4,511; and in September, I made $5,632. I was in disbelief, but I had finally found a way to make money from home with real potential.

The following summer, I quit my full-time job and went all-in on Etsy. 

How to Quit Your 9-5 Job and Make Money from Home

If you’re interested in quitting your job and making money from home, I see you, and I’m here to tell you it’s 100% possible. Here’s what I recommend you do to get started. 

1. Assess Your Strengths and Interests:

  • Self-Reflection: Identify your core strengths, skills, and passions. Understanding what you excel at and what ignites your enthusiasm is fundamental.
  • Skill Inventory: List down your professional and soft skills. Recognize the areas where you naturally excel and those that differentiate you from others.
  • Think About Life Experiences: We all have strengths and interests that come from our life experiences and are unique to us. Think about the good, bad, and ugly in your life- all life experiences hold opportunities in disguise. 

2. Stay Open to Opportunities:

  • Market Research: Regularly explore and research emerging trends and opportunities in the market that resonate with your skills and interests.
  • Networking: Engage with people and join relevant groups and forums where opportunities are often shared.
  • Risk Tolerance: Understand your risk appetite and be willing to step out of your comfort zone to seize opportunities.

3. Focus and Specialization:

  • Niche Selection: Choose a specific niche or industry that interests you and has demand. Specializing in a particular area enhances your expertise and value proposition. It’s best if your niche relates to your strengths and/or interests.
  • Avoid Multitasking: While it might be tempting to pursue multiple ventures, spreading yourself too thin can hinder your productivity and focus.
  • Mastery: Dedicate yourself to becoming an expert in your chosen field, as specialization often leads to mastery and recognition.

4. Continuous Learning:

  • Professional Development: Invest in courses, workshops, and certifications that enhance your skills and knowledge in your chosen field. (I’ve found that progress comes faster when you learn from people who have already achieved what you want to do). If you don’t have funds to invest, leverage free resources. Remember, there’s no free lunch- you either pay with time or with money. 
  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of industry trends, technological advancements, and best practices to remain competitive.
  • Learning Platforms: Leverage online platforms, educational institutions, and industry conferences for continuous learning and networking.

5. Adopt a Growth Mindset:

  • Embrace Challenges: View challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.
  • Positive Thinking: Maintain a positive outlook and belief in your ability to develop and improve over time.
  • Feedback Reception: Actively seek and constructively respond to feedback, using it as a tool for improvement and learning. Play devil’s advocate with yourself, and honestly critique your own work to find ways to improve it. 

The Bottom Line

Transitioning from the familiar structure of a 9-5 job to the dynamic landscape of home-based entrepreneurship is not merely a career change; it’s a profound personal transformation. This journey, while challenging, is possible and offers you the freedom to craft a life that resonates with your deepest aspirations and values.

As you stand at the precipice of this exciting adventure, remember that the path to financial freedom and personal fulfillment is paved with relentless determination, continuous learning, and an unyielding belief in your potential. Each step you take towards understanding your unique strengths, embracing opportunities, and honing your skills declares your commitment to living a life unbound by the conventional and the predictable.

Still here? Check out this Blueprint for Passive Income

There are a ton of ways to quit your 9-5 job and make money from home, but if you’re interested in learning more about how to do it with Etsy check out The Shockingly Simple Guide to Selling Passive Income Products on Etsy. This free, in-depth guide is a deeper blueprint for passive income that will help you learn exactly how to create digital products on Etsy!

Best 19 Income Producing Assets for Passive Income You Need to Know

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