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Etsy E-Printables Side Hustle Course: Gold City Ventures Course Review

Gold City Ventures Review

Want to know more about the Gold City Ventures E-Printables Side Hustle Course? Check out my review to see if it’s right for you.

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Gold City Ventures Course Review: The Honest Truth

I signed up for the Gold City Ventures course because I was excited about the idea of having something that I could work on once and then continue to make money passively. This was especially important to me as a new mom.

After purchasing this course, I reviewed the modules and created and posted a few products.

Then, I sat back and let the money roll in while I worked on other projects.

Eventually, I realized my other side hustle projects weren’t very profitable.

I reviewed all the side hustles I had, and I noticed that even though I ignored my Etsy shop, it consistently brought in small amounts of money every single month.

So, I decided to double down and get serious about my Etsy shop.

When I did that, I made over six figures in less than 9 months, and I was able to quit my full-time job.

Crazy! Right? If you would’ve told me what my life would look like now a year ago, I would have laughed in your face.

Would I recommend this course? Absofuckinglutely!

Where else can you invest around $300 and get a 323X+ return?

If you’re looking for something you can set up and forget about, I’ve found this to be a great option.

Also, if you want something that’s more active and allows you to quit your full-time job, that is possible too.

The more you do with it, the more money you can make. It’s a versatile side hustle option.

Know what you’re looking for? Just the links below to jump around this post:

A Look Inside the Gold City Ventures Course

Gold City Ventures Review

Organized by Modules

The course is run through a platform called Teachable. All the modules are organized by area. You can follow the course in the order they have laid out, or you can jump around to the things you need or are interested in. Then, when you click on a module, a new screen appears on the right-hand side.

Finding the Time to Do the Modules


The most important part of being successful with this course is effectively managing and optimizing your time to both watch the content and then implement what you learn (aka create products and post them on Etsy).

Short Video Content

Most of the time, the modules are short videos followed by some text. I appreciate the videos being short because you can digest a little bit of the content each day and take action without having to have hours of free time every day to get through the Etsy Printables Side Hustle Course.

You can check a module off as complete once you’ve watched it, and you’ll see a progress bar get updated. You can also choose not to check off a module as complete. I chose to do this for many modules when I wanted to come back to them at a later time.

Lifetime Access

The great news about the entire course is that you have lifetime access. This is great because some things may not be relevant at the moment, but you’ll want to access them later. I also appreciate that Julie and Cody update the content when things change within Etsy.

Who is the Gold City Ventures Course For

Even though I consider myself a self-starter and tech-savvy, this course has been so helpful. If you’re not a self-starter or tech-savvy, this course will walk you through everything you need to know and help keep you accountable to get it done with the assignments. Even if you like to do things yourself, this course will save you a ton of time because rather than researching a million things to figure it out for yourself, you will have everything laid out in front of you so you can spend time making, marketing, and selling products as opposed to wasting time doing research.

Who the Gold City Ventures Course is Not For

If you don’t want to start an Etsy shop, I wouldn’t recommend purchasing this course. Also, if you aren’t willing to take the time to watch the videos or take action on what you learn, you’d be wasting your money. Finally, if you’re an experienced Etsy shop owner and you make plenty of money and get a lot of traffic to your shop already, this may not be for you.

Curious about selling printables on Etsy but don’t know where to start? Check out this ebook that will give you a list of best-selling products by month and teach you how to capitalize on seasonal trends to make sales. Sign up for the e-book here.

Best Parts of the Gold City Ventures Course

Here are some of my favorite parts of the course.

The Content is Amazing

There are so many benefits to this course! First of all, the content is amazing! I spent my first month watching the videos and following along to set up my Etsy shop. It’s not overwhelming (like some courses I’ve taken before), and everything is actionable, so it’s easy to make quick progress.

The Facebook Group & Coaching

Next, I love having access to the Facebook group to ask questions and be held accountable. In the Facebook group, there’s a community of new and newish Etsy shop owners. This makes it easy to network with other people like you. The group helps you stay motivated and be held accountable. You can also ask them questions when you get stuck, which is priceless! In the group, everyone is friendly and helpful and the people in the group share great tips like how to improve your Pinterest account, what’s working for them, and so on.

Weekly Live Sessions & Prizes

I love the weekly live sessions that Cody and Julie host. These are always fun, uplifting, and motivating. They share weekly wins, they answer questions, and they give away prizes! Yes! Prizes! Good ones too! Oh, and the odds are pretty good if you’re active in the group, so they’re pretty easy to win.

Guest Experts

In addition to the weekly live sessions, on occasion, they’ll substitute the session with a guest expert, and those are always enlightening. What’s even better is that all of the past recordings are saved, so if you join now, there’s a whole treasure trove of additional content for you to access.

A Great Community

There are also experienced Etsy shop owners like Julie and Cody, and some people they pay to be in the Facebook group to answer questions and offer advice. They are super helpful as well and drop a ton of knowledge bombs! It’s a really supportive and friendly community.

Areas for Improvement

The Facebook group is amazing! However, it’d be even better if more people actively participated in it. Unfortunately, this is out of Julie and Cody’s control. There are a handful of people who are very active and ask questions and post tips, and they make the group worth it. If you join the course and the group, please be one of those people.

In the beginning, they had an accountability buddies program, but I don’t think that’s running anymore. I will say, a pro tip is to be active in the group and make friends. I’ve become close with many people in the group and we share best practices offline with each other. I’ve even landed other gigs and side-hustle work because of the relationships I’ve formed in this community. It’s full of some really amazing, supportive, positive, uplifting people.

How to Complete the Gold City Ventures Course

The biggest question I asked myself before signing up was, “Do I have the time to complete this course and start an Etsy shop?” I thought about how little time I had since I worked full time, was in school, and had a kiddo (now two) and a husband when I first started the course. But honestly, that made me realize how much I needed this course. I decided that I didn’t have the time not to pay someone to help me get this done quickly. I decided the only way to be successful would be to pay for and get the help I needed.

Finding Time to Complete the Course

If you’re like me and you’re concerned about finding the time to do this course, let me share my hacks with you:

  • Watch the videos while you’re getting ready in the morning. I take my laptop or phone into the bathroom, and I watch/listen to the videos while I do my hair and makeup.
  • Focus on taking at least one small action in your shop daily. Many of the things you need to do with the course can get done in about 15 minutes. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and think you need an 8-hour chunk of time. However, if you just do one thing a day, you’ll make a ton of progress as the months go by.
  • Consider substituting time on social media or time watching TV with time working on your Etsy shop.

Most Important Lesson I Learned About Etsy Shops

I found that if you want to drive traffic to your Etsy shop you have to market it. The great thing is that this course gives you all the tools you need to figure out multiple ways to market your Etsy shop so you can make real sales and keep them coming in long after you’ve set up your shop and created your products.

How Much Have I Made from the Gold City Ventures Course

I’m all for being transparent. Today is January 18, 2024. I started this course in July 2019. So far, I’ve made over $396,000. It took me quite a while to get to my first 100 sales (now I see people do it in their first few months, it’s amazing). For me, when I started paying more attention to my shop and being active in the group, something finally clicked. The past 4 years have been amazing and I have seen tremendous growth- so much, in fact, that I quit my job to run my Etsy shop full-time in June 2021.

Sales from July 2019 through January 2024

How Much Does the Gold City Ventures Course Cost

Last time I checked it’s $247 for the course + $145 for six months of coaching. The coaching is really worth it. Also, if you can make it to the 100 sales club in 6 months then you can stay in the Facebook group for free and continue to get the coaching for free! That was very generous of Julie and Cody. Seriously, they are really good people that aren’t just in it for the money. They really care about the people they’re helping, and it shows.

Side Effects of the Gold City Ventures Course

Here are some honest side effects of this course, for better or for worse…

Quit Your Job and Do Etsy Full Time

As I said, a few years ago I would not have thought this is possible, but now I know it is because I’ve done it. If you’re like me and want more flexibility to do what you want when you want, this course can truly help you get there.

Become a more interesting person

My husband and I have been together for over 10 years. Sometimes, I feel like our conversations are about the same things. However, when I started this shop, all of a sudden, I had a ton of new and interesting things to talk about. I also have a better answer to “What’s new?” when I talk to my friends and family.

Get more engaged in your life

Ever feel like you have the same old routine every single day? Starting a new project like an Etsy shop helps mix things up and creates something new and fun for you to work on, and get excited about.

Experience moments of flow

According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow is the secret to happiness. Guess what!? Having an Etsy shop gives you ample opportunities to get into a flow state.

Develop a deeper sense of meaning

Ever feel like your life isn’t as meaningful as it could be? When someone leaves a positive review about how much what you created helped them or changed your life, you can’t help but feel like your life has meaning!

Make new friends

Let’s face it, as adults, it’s a lot harder to make new friends. Starting a new project with a bunch of other people doing the same thing is a great way to make new friends!

Grow your skills

Unless you’re an Etsy shop expert (in which case you probably shouldn’t purchase the course), you will absolutely gain new skills from watching the videos and taking action in this course.

Get outside your comfort zone

You’re going to have to do things you’ve never done before if you take action on the tips in this course. The great thing is this helps you get outside of your comfort zone, grow as a human, and build your confidence.

Build your grit

For better or for worse, you’re also going to experience rejection and failure when you’re trying something new. The good news is this will help you build a growth mindset and increase your grit.


This one isn’t a great side effect. After starting this course, I was so excited to work on my shop that sometimes I had trouble sleeping. Sometimes, I would wake up in the middle of the night and have to create a new digital product I was thinking about. That being said, I also read, “The happier you are, the less sleep you require to function in everyday life.” So, maybe I’m just so engaged in my life and doing what I’m passionate about that I can’t sleep.

Do better at your full-time job

Another side effect of this course, developing your skills, and potentially being a more passionate and excited person is that you may do better at your full-time job. How? Well, the skills you’re learning could help you come up with creative new solutions at work. If you’re happier and more energetic, your boss may see that and appreciate your positivity.

Get a promotion and raise at work

There’s no guarantee for this one, but 3 months after starting this course, I got a raise and promotion at work. Maybe I was more passionate and creative. Maybe it was good karma since I shared helpful tools in my shop. There’s no way to tell, but I can say I’m happy with the results so far!

How to Purchase the Gold City Ventures Course

If you’re interested in starting an Etsy shop and think the Gold City Venture’s E-Printables Side Hustle Course can help you, you can sign-up for the wait-list here.

Freebie Alert

If after reading this review you decide to sign up for this course, I’ll give you my e-book, Getting the Edge: Growth Hacks from a 6-figure Etsy Store, if you use my affiliate link to sign up. In the e-book, you learn from the mistakes I made, and I’ll share the secret lessons I learned that helped take my shop to the next level.

Get this e-book free when you use my affiliate link to purchase the course.

Additional Questions about the Gold City Ventures Course?

Do you have a pressing question about the Etsy Printable Side Hustle Course that I didn’t answer? Ask it in the questions below and I’ll be sure to get back to you.

If you’re interested in starting an Etsy shop check out my Gold City Venture’s E-Printables Side Hustle Course Review to see if it’s right for you. #sidehustle #sidehustlecourse #etsyshop #howtostartanetsyshop

Still here? Check out this Blueprint for Passive Income

There are a ton of ways to quit your 9-5 job and make money from home, but if you’re interested in learning more about how to do it with Etsy check out The Shockingly Simple Guide to Selling Passive Income Products on Etsy. This free, in-depth guide is a deeper blueprint for passive income that will help you learn exactly how to create digital products on Etsy!




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